Saturday, August 29, 2015

3 types of rainbows at Niagara Falls

After spending 3 days at Niagara Falls last year I loved it so much I had to come back for more. When I came back for the 2015 year I spent a whole week and on the weekends the falls are lit up at night by very large xenon lights on the Canadian side. The sun creates wonderful rainbows in the mist but when the sun goes down on the weekend the lights come on and they create their own rainbows of unique beauty. The lights from time to time change colors and this makes the rainbows even more interesting and seeing a monochromatic rainbow with 3 colors along its circle is very different. I also got nice regular double rainbows and using the wide angle fisheye field of view on my GoPro camera I got full circle rainbows too. My dad and I refer to full circle rainbows as "rain circles" and here is why: a half circle would be a bow but if its a full circle its not a rainbow anymore its a rain circle.

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