Monday, October 15, 2012

Pyramidal halos Sept 13th 2012

While at the Herb Erwin Old Tyme Festival Cirrus clouds were moving in and first a common 22d halo with circumscribed halo formed but then more smoother cirrus came and thats when I noticed a double halo and the double was 23d halo and 18d halo. Close to the sun was a weak 9d halo. As the clouds moved in up to 5 circular halos were visible. In all there was 9, 18,22,24, and 46d halos. A couple pics show what could be a 35d halo but cannot be sure. There was also upper 23d plate arc and 18d plate arcs. The last two pics show iridescence in the vapor plume from the barrel of a pumpkin chunker cannon

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lunar halo complex September 30th 2012

Late in the evening halos began to appear around the sun but the best came when the moon came up and the display began with 22 degree halo, parhelia, circumscribed halo, 120 degree parhelia and complete parhelic circle. The display reached its climax at 12:00 AM EST and one of the best complete circumscribed halos I have seen in a very long time formed. The circumscribed halos was so bright I could see the colors with the naked eye due to the full moon and hi-quality column crystals. There was also a sharp complete parhelic circle and in the pics enhanced faint upper and lower concave parry arcs are visible.