Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sumer Solstice pyramidal halos

Believe it or my lock has been holding out as far as halos goes because today I got my third pyramidal crystal halo display. In all 9, 18,20,23,and faint 35d halo, 18d plate arcs, upper and lower 23d plate arcs.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pyramidal halos 6-14-14

Just like last Saturday this Saturday I got more pyramidal halos. In all I got 18 and 23d halos, 18 and upper 23d plate arc and an upper sun pillar

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pyramidal halos 6-7-2014

Odd radius halos from pyramidal crystals. In all there were 9,18, and 23deg halos, 18 and 23deg plate arcs. Its been months since I have gotten a decent photoworthy halo complex