Friday, December 30, 2011

End of the Year Double Rainbows

Off and on rainshowers were coming and going and later on a small squall paseed through and I looked out the window and the sun was showing through and I had to move fast. When I got outside not only the primary but even the secondary bow was dazzling. This rivals the bows I got in April during the tornado outbreak in Alabama. This a great way to end 2011 and thats with a swt of well-developed rainbows

Monday, December 26, 2011

Spotlight bows

Unlike the previous bows with were made using car headlight this set was made with a hi-power spotlight which shines the light into a nice beam and these bows are kind of unusual because inside the primary beyond the purple inner edge you can see a light colored band and beyond that a dark band. Must be the effects of divergent light or a more dense cloud of mist passed into the beam causing this effect. The enhanced image shows this effect quite well.

Car headlight rainbow 2004

Just like the fogbows I have done with car headlights one night there was a mist falling and the droplets were big enough til where I can feel them I placed the camera in the hi-beams of my vehicle and got a nice set of rainbows in the mist. In the one image you can see the regular primary and another one next to it which resulted from the camera being between the lights. The other pic shows just the two bows from one headlight.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Halo complex October 13th 2008

Starting around midday cirrus clouds swept into Southern Ohio to produce a spectacular complex halo series that lasted well into the night. Dring the day all the common halos were visible and the rare halos were an exqusite upper suncave parry arc, 120d parhelia, and all three lowitz arcs. Later on after sunset a sharp bright orange red upper tangent arc was visible but it was not over yet because after the sky darkens and the moon come up there was 22d halo upper tangent and parry arcs, circumzenith and supralateral arcs and later on a sharp and complete parhelic circle was present with the blue spot and there were very nice lunar 120d parhelia and in some of the lunar halo pics I found wegener arc.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Double fogbow with interference arcs

This is probably the best fogbow I have yet and this was made by shinning my car's hi-beams in the fog and not only did I get both bows but I got the interference arcs as well which are visible inside the primary

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Just started my own atmospheric optics blog and this is where I will be posting recent observations whether its atmospheric halos, rainbows or other optical effects in Southern Ohio.

Heres my First elliptical halo observation for 2011. There was also a nice corona and iridescence.